hai friends...how are you?...still waging the tail?
if you live like this, your life will be heaven with girls!
The funda is to be happy and healthy. All
those who think about
'வெக்கம் மானம் சூடு சொரணை' (can some one give me the english equivalent of this?when i was a small boy, i liked a titan watch advertisement...i liked the jingles very much...we can say that i started watching ads only after watching this ad!...the jingles lasted just for about 10 secs or so...but great!!!...later on i came to know that it was scored by ar rahman...no wonder he is a genius!...here is a great work by him and shreya ghoshal...song is attached...you tube link is here...
i wish she gets atleast three nice melodies a day from film makers so that we have a ball!so, under my umbrella of life philosophy, what are we born here for?
to just have a ball of a life!!!...to be happy...to be jingling always...to spread happiness to all...to be healthy...enjoy this short life on earth with intelligence and sixth sense to the fullest...enjoy the profound happiness that nature gives us free of cost...no payment to watch the skies, to watch the moon, to enjoy the rain, to play with the insects, to play with the pets...the list is endless...read, 'learn' and keep researching for happiness and good health...so, in short, have a ball!...and allow others also to have a ball!...or else they will chop off your balls!
as i said earlier, my life is shaped by the text books at corporation school and other schools, colleges etc...the great tamil poet Bharathi watched the way people live and he said the following lines...very apt...such poems only has shaped me and my life philosophy!
பல சின்னஞ்சிறு செய்கைகள் செய்து (do all silly things in life)
மனம் வாடி துன்பம் மிக உழன்று (most of the time think only negative and suffer)
பிறர் வாட செய்கைகள் பல செய்து (we do many things and disturb the happiness and health of others)
நரை கூடி கிழ பருவம் எய்தி (become old)
கொடுங்கூற்றுகிரையென (die one day with the curses of others)
பின் மாயும்
இவ்வேடிக்கை மனிதர்கள் போல் (what a funny people we are!...what a way to waste the life!)
நானும் வீழ்வேன் என்று நினைத்தாயோ! (do you think i will live such a life and die!...never!!)
i find people still taking major decisions which affects them and others in life by picking up flowers in temples!...they just follow what the pujaris in temple say!...i have read in school history books that in medieval period the temples and equivalent places in other religions ruled the life of people!...are we still living in medieval period?
Looks like we need a Bharathi in every family!!!
wofff...i totally forgot about my 'ravusu rams-the robot!'...let us go to the lab and see what he is doing. ok!
yeah...here is the lab...(trrrrrrrrr....(door opening sound!!
'dei rams! please remove the 'emotion' software from my controller...i don't want to sense emotions and react with emotions!'...he is now catching my feet!
'earlier i was able to do all the jobs that you said. No problems. I never felt happy or sad as i did not have emotions. I did my job. You were happy. But now i am not able to do!'
'Look at me. Now i want to go outside the lab. I want to enjoy the nature. I want to talk to people. When girls come inside the lab i am getting attracted. Something happens inside me. I don't like remaining inside the lab all the time. Send me to moon!...put me inside a nuclear reactor! send me to Mariana trench!...put me inside the fire!!...no problems!!'
'Look at my condition now! I want to see you every day. I don't like if you are not here. I don't want to remain alone. I want people around me. I get angry. I feel happy when you are here. I am unable to do anything!'
'you and your damn reproductive system! I don't need that! Earlier i did not require. Only after you gave me 'emotions' i am needing. so, hell with that!'
'i don't know how you human beings live with that!...wofff! horrible man!...i don't need that! i am happy being a machine!'
i felt pitty for him and asked 'ok! i consider your suggestion. But why not you have only happy emotions?'
so, guys and gals...the crux is...
1. emotions are required for life to go on here. For procreation. For babies to be born and reared.
2. without emotions we will be only machines.
3. all living beings have emotions.
4. Emotions lead to social living. Without emotions no social living. To live a social life we need emotions. So, no escape from emotions. If some one does not have then something wrong with that person!
5. Only thing is we should not dwell in extremes of emotions for a longer time...ie extreme happiness and extreme sorrow...(happiness include all related emotions like exclamation etc...similarly sorrow or sad includes all related emotions like anger, self pity etc)...as they will push us to unstable state where we don't know what we do.
6. we should know how to keep our emotions 'regulated' (not 'controlled')...best way is yoga...meditation...balancing work, rest and entertainment etc.
ok guys and gals...keep rocking...see you tomorrow...
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