hai friends...how are you?
Hope your life is surrounded with music always...it could be anything...from laugh of a baby to film songs or devotional songs or 'any soothing sound'...anything that keeps you in happiness and good health is a good music...now listen to this great song by shreya ghoshal attached...you tube link is....http://youtu.be/ja2LWMzBQaA
when you read my mails at times you will feel happiness when you are on the same page with me
, when you forward the mails to your children or spouse
...some times anger, when you are not on the same page and your sentiments are
hurt, when the children or the spouse forward the mails to you!
When you feel anger, it shows that you are rigid in that particular aspect...more the rigidity more the social problems...less the rigidty, less the social problems.
My two line life philosophy will take you out of rigidity of personalities, extremes of emotions, fill you with radiating happiness, no fear, no feel of shortage of resources, good health, give the feeling of richness of everything, achievements and much more. It can be followed by any one on earth, any time and any place.
I received a mail saying 'How can you say there is 'NO GOD', with a long list of proofs that god is there'
read my philosophy again:-
'God is not 'he' or 'she'. God is 'it'. God is 'love'. God is 'nature'. It includes all living and non living things in the entire universe'
that is all my philosophy. So, it does not say that god is not there.
It is not from any 'guru' or god or incarnation of god or messenger of
god. It is formed by me based on my life experiences. When i say 'life
experiences' don't imgagine to be 'enlightenment' etc. It is just a
normal 'next door boy' type of life that all of us live.
This philosophy includes everything about spirituality, science, engg and anything you name it.
If i amplify these two lines it will go on for many pages. But i will list the crux here:-
1. God does not exist in any human form like 'rama' or 'subramanian' or 'ganesh'. Only human beings exist as rama or subramanian or ramasubramanian!
In fact the word 'human being' is
coined by us (not by god) for easy grouping and studies. God does not
have human personality traits. All our stories of god that we keep
reading and hearing only sum up god as 'human body with human
personality traits and magical powers'. By defining god like this we are
only defaming or undermining god.
2. No one is superior or inferior in the creation of god, the nature. So, there is no one known as incarnation, messenger or guru etc. All the components of nature, living and non living, are gurus to each other and they all teach valuable lessons of life. Some human beings think about life and give little more clarity on various issues of life. That is all.
3. We are part of the nature, the god, and so there is nothing or no differentiation or discrimination like 'we', 'god', 'gurus' and 'nature'. We can not separate like this and see, as all are part of nature. All in the same plane. We are part of god and god is part of us. There is nothing known as 'surrendering to god or guru' as no one is superior or inferior to the other.
4. Love is the most deadliest weapon for ever. Not the nukes!. By love i do not mean the 'filmi love' where two people of opposite sexes get attracted. It is a feeling of 'i am there with you!', a 'feeling of acceptance'. That is all. This feeling can come from any living or non living thing in physical form or as perception.
Like this i can go on and on. All my mails are out of this grand umbrella philosophy. If you like my mails that means you are on the same page. If you like other issues and not the philosophy on god, spirituality etc then it is because NO ONE FOLLOWS ANY RELIGION OR CULTURE OR PHILOSOPHY TO THE CORE. If so, then we will not have so many variations in each religion or culture. We all follow our own religion, culture and philosophy with in our 'zone of comfort' which might have some commonalities and differences with the core religion, culture or philosophy. So, no wonder you feel different.
I am sure your blood must be boiling now and probably you closed and deleted the mail!
All of us are seasoned during our growth by our parents, people around and our 'fake' culture. This philosophy is against all these. So, no wonder you get angry.
All school books, college books on science, engg and managment, all teachers, all living and non living things i have interacted with or observed or just seen have just given me 'lessons of life' and nothing more. These 'sources' are still giving. So, all these are gurus for me. The speeches or written material or personal meets or satsungs of normal 'guru's or yogis or any saffron clad or white cloth clad or in any attire known to us to define guru or maharishi or satguru have not given me anything more than what my 'sources' have given. In fact, the face book postings on life give me much more lessons.
For e.g just read the episode below (i suttufied
(stole) it from facebook...) (i have attached the photo of these boys)
There was a programme at RAJAGIRI campus, an arts festival for ORPHANS in and around Cohin. i was there at the site with my friends..i saw something very special..i thought i must share this wonderful small happening..
i was at the very back seat of the hall where the programme was being conducted..2 rows ahead of my row, there was a pack of 20 to 25 kids sitting..among them, the smallest of all
caught my attention...he was so naughty that he created all sorts of disturbances to all others in his circle...even i was irritated...he was such a nonsense..i even thought of giving him a small hit to make him calm..
the time was nearing noon...he was hungry..he was looking all around for food...he was constantly asking his senior in his pack, to give him some food...his senior stood up and gave him a cup of water from the filter...but since he was very young, he started to cry for food...i was watching all these but didnt care to giv him anything.....
Towards the very back of the hall, on a table, a volunteer suddenly came in with a small packet of biscuit...this small kid ran upto him and with great pain, begged him a piece of biscuit. the volunteer gave him the whole packet of bbiscuits to him..it contained not more than 15 to 20 biscuits ...
U should have seen that brightness and happiness on this kids' face!!....i thought he will be eating all of the biscuits in one go.........
To my great SURPRISE, he came back to his pack. HE GAVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF HIS FRIENDS ATLEAST HALF A BISCUIT EACH....EVERYBODY were raising hands at him to get a piece of it.he gave the biscuits graciously to all.he gave his senior 1 biscuit too...BUT ATLAST, he didnt get even a small piece since he gave evrything in it, to everybody ..i think he knew that, in the end, he wont be getting anything , but he was ready to givee.....
he looked inside the packet to get a piece for him..it didnt have anything.....i thought he would start to cry...surprisingly, he looked at the faces of his friends and smiled at them that he was happy to see their happy faces...he didnt grabbed anybodies biscuits instead he silently went back to his senior and sat on his lap....
his senior was watching him all the way , while he was sharing the biscuits to all...this senior too got a biscuit...i have seen this senior acting like, he was going to eat it, while he was offered one...but since my concentration was on the little kid, i ignored him...
AGAIN SURPRISE!!!! this senior boy, took this small kid in his lap and took the biscuit , (which was given to him by this little kid), gave that to the kid with a SWEET KISS SAYING " GOOD BOY"...the kid took it and was abt to eat the whole.....
AGAIN SURPRISE!!!!.....he broke down the biscuit into two and gave one half to his senior...he ensured that his senior also enjoy its taste..the both had the biscuits together....the hugged each other..they said nothing but looked at each-others eyes.....
this little kid may be 4 yrs old and his senior may be 10 or 11 yrs old....BOTH WERE ORPHANS..
I feel these two boys are much more than any of the 'guru's. They don't preach. They are living gods. We can ask ourselves if we would have done this if we were in that condition.
Preaching is easy. Doing it with the consciousness that others are watching is easy. Donating money or food or any part of wealth when we have in abundance is not a big thing. It may be called as a human trait. But giving to others, the basic need of life, the food, when you feel damn hungry, when you don't have it for your own self, finding others also in the same hungry state, giving to others and finding happiness from the happiness of others is true godliness!!!
All politicians and big people or gurus or so called elders by age have to learn from these boys. They have taught what is love, what is compassion, what is friendship, what is empathy, what is true human quality, what is godliness, what is true leadership, what is true management, value systems, what is nobleness, what is maturity, what is greatness, how to live by example, how to conduct oneself, how to show to others that they are not orphans, how to live without self pity...the list goes on! Tell me if i am wrong!
When we have parents, love, wealth, friends etc we don't know the value of it. We take them for granted. We consider it as our birthright and we have it. Only when they leave and when we loose what we have, we realise the value of it. These boys do not have parents to love them but they know the value of love.
They have not done it purposely thinking that i should behave like this as others are watching...it is their culture, godliness is in their blood, the way they have been inherited and groomed!...it is not with a conciousness that they should behave in a socially acceptable manner in public places.
I have seen that such people who live in huts, on road side and in orphanages are far superior to gurus who preach and live in Air-conditioned bungalows with hundreds of crores (much more and 'many') under their butts in mutts.
I have read many short stories (never read any novel or full book). But one story is prominently appearing in my front. Written by Jayaganthan, i think the only tamil writer to win the gnanpeeth award. Title is 'oru pidi soru!' (ond handful rice!). You can probably download this from net. It is a story to be read by all. Sorry. It is not a story. It is a daily happening in slums. It clearly matches with Bharathi's words
'thani oru manithanukku unavillaiyenil ij jagathhinai azhithhiduvom!'
I am not telling you to follow my philosophy, you can follow any one or any philosophy, as the bottom line of life is to be happy, healthy and towards self actualization. There may be so many philosophies or so many ways of finding peace, happiness, good health and still achieve!
As i said, no god or guru has ever come in my dreams or thoughts whenever i was silent or in trouble. When we face or sense or perceive threats (problems, confusion, etc) our brain musters all the resources (financial, emotional, material, legal, social, knowledge etc) we have, evaluates the potential nature of threat, assesses if the threat can be handled with the resources or not and accordingly tell us either 'fight' or 'fly'.
When ever we have to take a decision our brain lists all variables / parameters affecting the decision, accords weightage and takes the decision. If we are unable to list down the parameters or when the neuro secretions are low or less intelligence then we look for support. We want to lean on to god or guru for help when we perceive that all sources are exhausted or we feel the ground is falling under the feet.
You know what i do? I don't go to temple. I don't stand infront of any god photo or idol. I don't have any guru. I just look at the nature outside and say 'give me the strength to tackle this situation'. That is all. Believe me, i have always got help or support. God, the nature, the part of myself, to which i am a part, senses my need and helps. Till date i have never been let down. When i see the nature, i get the 'feeling of acceptance', the feeling of 'i am there with you!'as i am there with it as a part of it. I don't see nature as a 'higher power'. So, i don't get scared or feel like worshipping the nature, as i am a part of the nature. I love it, adore it, play with it and be in its lap.
There is no fear of death, as i am always a part of it, whether my heart is working or not. As i said nature is a dynamic entity. So many changes keep happening. My form, shape, size and potential can change. It is not that nature is changing or god is changing. It is just that the equilibrium has to be maintained. But nature can not remove me from it. I will be there in some form or the other, as i am a part of nature always!
Twice i have entered operation theater and both the times they have told me all the procedures that would be done, with all the scares and have finally told me 'sir, you are the first person whom we see lying on the operation table with all smiles and without any anxiety or fear!'. During the post operative care also always the nurses have said 'you are always in smiles and it is pleasant to enter your room. You don't look like an operated guy sir!'.
I don't go to temples on my own. When others request my company i have never denied. Never criticised them. I don't go to temples when it is crowded, as i see only people and the rituals they perform, and not god. I wish to go to temples when it is silent. When no one is present. No problem if the door of the deity is closed. As silence, cleanliness and sounds of nature only are required for me.
I respect all, as every one is guru to me and every one is part of nature, the god.I always consider i am zero so that knowledge and traits start flowing from others to me.I don't mind sitting with even a 10 year old boy to learn, as i consider every individual has different experiences on earth, differing from my experience.
I have used the word 'I' at many places to tell what i feel about things in life. But actually 'we' are all no different and all of us live the same life with the same nature. So, everything above is applicable to every one.
So, when i find some thing different from my philosophy it appears to be funny and i share it with you here. For e.g yesterday while travelling in the bus two guys were talking...one man said 'I GIVE LOTS OF FREEDOM TO MY WIFE!'. It appeared funny and weird to me. Who is he to give freedom to another person. Does 'wife' mean slavery?..does wife mean you can do anything with her?...Does 'marriage' give total rights to the man to treat her the way he feels like?...he has used these words out of the culture, out of the way the life goes on here with a feeling that she is his 'property'!. There is no feeling of 'friendship'. Word 'better half' is only on paper?. He may be a real good husband, looking after her well etc. But look at the mentality and culture and what has made him to say so like that!
Other day i heard a conversation between some boys and girls in a college. The boy was saying 'my wife should be able to cook, wash my clothes, clean the house and surroundings, wash the utensils, look after the kids, all the household needs,....' he was continuing...one of the girls said 'Hey! you only need a servant yaar! Not a wife!'.
We consider that wife has to be both wife and servant. But is it possible with both working?..We confuse between 'wife' and 'servant'. Some people really confuse between wife and servant...they treat wife as servant and servant as wife!
Hope your life is surrounded with music always...it could be anything...from laugh of a baby to film songs or devotional songs or 'any soothing sound'...anything that keeps you in happiness and good health is a good music...now listen to this great song by shreya ghoshal attached...you tube link is....http://youtu.be/ja2LWMzBQaA
when you read my mails at times you will feel happiness when you are on the same page with me
When you feel anger, it shows that you are rigid in that particular aspect...more the rigidity more the social problems...less the rigidty, less the social problems.
My two line life philosophy will take you out of rigidity of personalities, extremes of emotions, fill you with radiating happiness, no fear, no feel of shortage of resources, good health, give the feeling of richness of everything, achievements and much more. It can be followed by any one on earth, any time and any place.
I received a mail saying 'How can you say there is 'NO GOD', with a long list of proofs that god is there'
read my philosophy again:-
'God is not 'he' or 'she'. God is 'it'. God is 'love'. God is 'nature'. It includes all living and non living things in the entire universe'
that is all my philosophy. So, it does not say that god is not there.
This philosophy includes everything about spirituality, science, engg and anything you name it.
If i amplify these two lines it will go on for many pages. But i will list the crux here:-
1. God does not exist in any human form like 'rama' or 'subramanian' or 'ganesh'. Only human beings exist as rama or subramanian or ramasubramanian!
2. No one is superior or inferior in the creation of god, the nature. So, there is no one known as incarnation, messenger or guru etc. All the components of nature, living and non living, are gurus to each other and they all teach valuable lessons of life. Some human beings think about life and give little more clarity on various issues of life. That is all.
3. We are part of the nature, the god, and so there is nothing or no differentiation or discrimination like 'we', 'god', 'gurus' and 'nature'. We can not separate like this and see, as all are part of nature. All in the same plane. We are part of god and god is part of us. There is nothing known as 'surrendering to god or guru' as no one is superior or inferior to the other.
4. Love is the most deadliest weapon for ever. Not the nukes!. By love i do not mean the 'filmi love' where two people of opposite sexes get attracted. It is a feeling of 'i am there with you!', a 'feeling of acceptance'. That is all. This feeling can come from any living or non living thing in physical form or as perception.
Like this i can go on and on. All my mails are out of this grand umbrella philosophy. If you like my mails that means you are on the same page. If you like other issues and not the philosophy on god, spirituality etc then it is because NO ONE FOLLOWS ANY RELIGION OR CULTURE OR PHILOSOPHY TO THE CORE. If so, then we will not have so many variations in each religion or culture. We all follow our own religion, culture and philosophy with in our 'zone of comfort' which might have some commonalities and differences with the core religion, culture or philosophy. So, no wonder you feel different.
I am sure your blood must be boiling now and probably you closed and deleted the mail!
All of us are seasoned during our growth by our parents, people around and our 'fake' culture. This philosophy is against all these. So, no wonder you get angry.
All school books, college books on science, engg and managment, all teachers, all living and non living things i have interacted with or observed or just seen have just given me 'lessons of life' and nothing more. These 'sources' are still giving. So, all these are gurus for me. The speeches or written material or personal meets or satsungs of normal 'guru's or yogis or any saffron clad or white cloth clad or in any attire known to us to define guru or maharishi or satguru have not given me anything more than what my 'sources' have given. In fact, the face book postings on life give me much more lessons.
For e.g just read the episode below (i suttufied
There was a programme at RAJAGIRI campus, an arts festival for ORPHANS in and around Cohin. i was there at the site with my friends..i saw something very special..i thought i must share this wonderful small happening..
i was at the very back seat of the hall where the programme was being conducted..2 rows ahead of my row, there was a pack of 20 to 25 kids sitting..among them, the smallest of all
caught my attention...he was so naughty that he created all sorts of disturbances to all others in his circle...even i was irritated...he was such a nonsense..i even thought of giving him a small hit to make him calm..
the time was nearing noon...he was hungry..he was looking all around for food...he was constantly asking his senior in his pack, to give him some food...his senior stood up and gave him a cup of water from the filter...but since he was very young, he started to cry for food...i was watching all these but didnt care to giv him anything.....
Towards the very back of the hall, on a table, a volunteer suddenly came in with a small packet of biscuit...this small kid ran upto him and with great pain, begged him a piece of biscuit. the volunteer gave him the whole packet of bbiscuits to him..it contained not more than 15 to 20 biscuits ...
U should have seen that brightness and happiness on this kids' face!!....i thought he will be eating all of the biscuits in one go.........
To my great SURPRISE, he came back to his pack. HE GAVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF HIS FRIENDS ATLEAST HALF A BISCUIT EACH....EVERYBODY were raising hands at him to get a piece of it.he gave the biscuits graciously to all.he gave his senior 1 biscuit too...BUT ATLAST, he didnt get even a small piece since he gave evrything in it, to everybody ..i think he knew that, in the end, he wont be getting anything , but he was ready to givee.....
he looked inside the packet to get a piece for him..it didnt have anything.....i thought he would start to cry...surprisingly, he looked at the faces of his friends and smiled at them that he was happy to see their happy faces...he didnt grabbed anybodies biscuits instead he silently went back to his senior and sat on his lap....
his senior was watching him all the way , while he was sharing the biscuits to all...this senior too got a biscuit...i have seen this senior acting like, he was going to eat it, while he was offered one...but since my concentration was on the little kid, i ignored him...
AGAIN SURPRISE!!!! this senior boy, took this small kid in his lap and took the biscuit , (which was given to him by this little kid), gave that to the kid with a SWEET KISS SAYING " GOOD BOY"...the kid took it and was abt to eat the whole.....
AGAIN SURPRISE!!!!.....he broke down the biscuit into two and gave one half to his senior...he ensured that his senior also enjoy its taste..the both had the biscuits together....the hugged each other..they said nothing but looked at each-others eyes.....
this little kid may be 4 yrs old and his senior may be 10 or 11 yrs old....BOTH WERE ORPHANS..
I feel these two boys are much more than any of the 'guru's. They don't preach. They are living gods. We can ask ourselves if we would have done this if we were in that condition.
Preaching is easy. Doing it with the consciousness that others are watching is easy. Donating money or food or any part of wealth when we have in abundance is not a big thing. It may be called as a human trait. But giving to others, the basic need of life, the food, when you feel damn hungry, when you don't have it for your own self, finding others also in the same hungry state, giving to others and finding happiness from the happiness of others is true godliness!!!
All politicians and big people or gurus or so called elders by age have to learn from these boys. They have taught what is love, what is compassion, what is friendship, what is empathy, what is true human quality, what is godliness, what is true leadership, what is true management, value systems, what is nobleness, what is maturity, what is greatness, how to live by example, how to conduct oneself, how to show to others that they are not orphans, how to live without self pity...the list goes on! Tell me if i am wrong!
When we have parents, love, wealth, friends etc we don't know the value of it. We take them for granted. We consider it as our birthright and we have it. Only when they leave and when we loose what we have, we realise the value of it. These boys do not have parents to love them but they know the value of love.
They have not done it purposely thinking that i should behave like this as others are watching...it is their culture, godliness is in their blood, the way they have been inherited and groomed!...it is not with a conciousness that they should behave in a socially acceptable manner in public places.
I have seen that such people who live in huts, on road side and in orphanages are far superior to gurus who preach and live in Air-conditioned bungalows with hundreds of crores (much more and 'many') under their butts in mutts.
I have read many short stories (never read any novel or full book). But one story is prominently appearing in my front. Written by Jayaganthan, i think the only tamil writer to win the gnanpeeth award. Title is 'oru pidi soru!' (ond handful rice!). You can probably download this from net. It is a story to be read by all. Sorry. It is not a story. It is a daily happening in slums. It clearly matches with Bharathi's words
'thani oru manithanukku unavillaiyenil ij jagathhinai azhithhiduvom!'
I am not telling you to follow my philosophy, you can follow any one or any philosophy, as the bottom line of life is to be happy, healthy and towards self actualization. There may be so many philosophies or so many ways of finding peace, happiness, good health and still achieve!
As i said, no god or guru has ever come in my dreams or thoughts whenever i was silent or in trouble. When we face or sense or perceive threats (problems, confusion, etc) our brain musters all the resources (financial, emotional, material, legal, social, knowledge etc) we have, evaluates the potential nature of threat, assesses if the threat can be handled with the resources or not and accordingly tell us either 'fight' or 'fly'.
When ever we have to take a decision our brain lists all variables / parameters affecting the decision, accords weightage and takes the decision. If we are unable to list down the parameters or when the neuro secretions are low or less intelligence then we look for support. We want to lean on to god or guru for help when we perceive that all sources are exhausted or we feel the ground is falling under the feet.
You know what i do? I don't go to temple. I don't stand infront of any god photo or idol. I don't have any guru. I just look at the nature outside and say 'give me the strength to tackle this situation'. That is all. Believe me, i have always got help or support. God, the nature, the part of myself, to which i am a part, senses my need and helps. Till date i have never been let down. When i see the nature, i get the 'feeling of acceptance', the feeling of 'i am there with you!'as i am there with it as a part of it. I don't see nature as a 'higher power'. So, i don't get scared or feel like worshipping the nature, as i am a part of the nature. I love it, adore it, play with it and be in its lap.
There is no fear of death, as i am always a part of it, whether my heart is working or not. As i said nature is a dynamic entity. So many changes keep happening. My form, shape, size and potential can change. It is not that nature is changing or god is changing. It is just that the equilibrium has to be maintained. But nature can not remove me from it. I will be there in some form or the other, as i am a part of nature always!
Twice i have entered operation theater and both the times they have told me all the procedures that would be done, with all the scares and have finally told me 'sir, you are the first person whom we see lying on the operation table with all smiles and without any anxiety or fear!'. During the post operative care also always the nurses have said 'you are always in smiles and it is pleasant to enter your room. You don't look like an operated guy sir!'.
I don't go to temples on my own. When others request my company i have never denied. Never criticised them. I don't go to temples when it is crowded, as i see only people and the rituals they perform, and not god. I wish to go to temples when it is silent. When no one is present. No problem if the door of the deity is closed. As silence, cleanliness and sounds of nature only are required for me.
I respect all, as every one is guru to me and every one is part of nature, the god.I always consider i am zero so that knowledge and traits start flowing from others to me.I don't mind sitting with even a 10 year old boy to learn, as i consider every individual has different experiences on earth, differing from my experience.
I have used the word 'I' at many places to tell what i feel about things in life. But actually 'we' are all no different and all of us live the same life with the same nature. So, everything above is applicable to every one.
So, when i find some thing different from my philosophy it appears to be funny and i share it with you here. For e.g yesterday while travelling in the bus two guys were talking...one man said 'I GIVE LOTS OF FREEDOM TO MY WIFE!'. It appeared funny and weird to me. Who is he to give freedom to another person. Does 'wife' mean slavery?..does wife mean you can do anything with her?...Does 'marriage' give total rights to the man to treat her the way he feels like?...he has used these words out of the culture, out of the way the life goes on here with a feeling that she is his 'property'!. There is no feeling of 'friendship'. Word 'better half' is only on paper?. He may be a real good husband, looking after her well etc. But look at the mentality and culture and what has made him to say so like that!
Other day i heard a conversation between some boys and girls in a college. The boy was saying 'my wife should be able to cook, wash my clothes, clean the house and surroundings, wash the utensils, look after the kids, all the household needs,....' he was continuing...one of the girls said 'Hey! you only need a servant yaar! Not a wife!'.
We consider that wife has to be both wife and servant. But is it possible with both working?..We confuse between 'wife' and 'servant'. Some people really confuse between wife and servant...they treat wife as servant and servant as wife!
woffffffffffffff...sorry for the longgggggggg mail...
keep rocking guys and gals...bye
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