Tuesday 18 May 2021

One question...One answer....

Dear all...One question...One answer...
Qn. Sir, why some people are attracted towards young or elderly people for their reproductive needs?
Ans. It is a subconscious natural act. Nature wants the offsprings to be healthy, so it drives towards young and healthy people as it is expected that this way the offsprings will be healthy. Nature also wants the offsprings to be safe and secure during the growing up, grooming and development i.e. child rearing process. So, it directs towards elderly people who exhibit loving, caring, resourceful and good human behaviours and bring in that confidence of safe and secure growth for offsprings under the wings of this person. Of course, Nature also wants every organism to be unique and different. This also is a reason.
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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