Thursday 13 May 2021

While taking decisions in life, especially those crucial life changing decisions, use the brain and not the heart!!

 Dear all,

    While taking decisions in life, for heavens sake use brain, and not the heart!!...Especially those crucial decisions which change your life!!

I see lots of memes and friends telling 'Go by your heart!!'...'Heartfulness decisions'...'Go by your gut-feeling'....'Go by what your soul says!'...'Listen to the voice within you!'...By and large, all these are wrong, as they all mostly direct you based on the body needs, directly or indirectly...consciously or subconsciously!!

You are likely to end up in small time pleasures and long time failures and heavy losses!!

Few of the spiritual gurus tell 'listen to me...follow me...'....there are many religioustic memes or sayings also tell 'i am with you, follow me!'.....all these have made the people to lose COMMON SENSE...the nature given power of thinking above the intuition too....people have become goats and just follow without using their brains...and land up in trouble!!

Another thing is this damn 'what people will think!'......Decisions based on this also will ruin your life!!....Here again use commonsense, think what is good for all....and accordingly decide!!

During this COVID times, people are taking emotional decisions, heart driven decisions, decisions based on 'what others will think about me!'....and getting affected with covid, spreading to others, and losing their lives...had they taken decisions using their common sense, brain, thinking what is good for all, how to handle the issue in a clever manner, then losses could have been minimised!!

So, kindly use common sense, brain, be clever and take decisions for the well-being and good of all!!

Peacefully yours....Rams....Psychologist!!

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