Saturday 8 May 2021

"We cannot feel anything, unless there is a need for it in us!!"

 Dear all,....(please add 'she/he' wherever you find 'he' in the following)

"We cannot feel anything, unless there is a need for it in us!!"

For e.g...

All the wisdom explained by the spiritual gurus are felt by those who have a need, who had confused minds, stressed brains, who wanted clarity and who are obsessed with him!!

Those who are not obsessed or who are stable, clear in their mind, have clarity about life and living, who do not have any need, who feel that everything is alright with them, will not feel anything from the words of wisdom of the spiritual guru. They will probably gain additional knowledge or wisdom which may be useful to them. But it may not create any feelings in them as they were not in need and were not stressed!!

If we tell the same things to the spiritual guru or tell him different philosophies of wisdom, he also will not feel anything because he has no need!!...He is not obsessed with us!!...He might gain additional knowledge and wisdom but it may not create any feelings in him!!

So, if we feel something, that means, there was a need, there was probably a stress, there was a void, there was some blank space needing to be filled, there was a question without an answer in the conscious or subconsious mind, probably the question was looking for an answer, there was some confusion, there was a clarity needed on something etc....or we were obsessed with that person!!

Obsession is not good as it closes all doors of oppurtunities to learn and grow in all dimensions!!

It is better to be at neutral state than a need state!!

Positive emotions and feelings without leading to obsessions is, anything beyond limits is a poison...even the excessive feeling of goodness leading to unstable body and mind!!

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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