Saturday 8 May 2021


Dear all,

All of us, we have a BODY. It needs food (solid), water (liquids), air (gas), reproductive needs and touches (care, affection, love...emotional needs)!!

Body is from Nature and all these needs are natural, survival needs. All living organisms have these needs!! 

So, a life and living anchored only on body and body needs is called ANIMAL LIFE and ANIMAL LIVING. Animals do anything to get these. All humans also do anything to achieve these, as they are basic survival needs. When it is difficult to get these, the humans use their precious INTELLIGENCE and CREATIVITY to plan strategies, spend lots of their valuable life and brain time, energy, money and everything. They forget about the consequences. They forget about their status. They use their power and authority to get them anyhow, and by any means. They go to any low level to achieve and own them. They are ready to lose anything to possess them. It becomes an obsession and disorder. This is the power of the body needs, i.e the PLEASURE domain!!

Therefore, it is the cause for all the sorrows, tears, sadness, frustration, anger, fights, harsh words, depression, break up, divorce, all kinds of stresses and strains in relationships, loss of job, poor performance, all kinds of feelings of rejection...simply all kinds of negatives of life!!!!!!!!!

So, these needs to be kept low and the body in a cool, calm, balanced, stable, healthy and in a less need state!!

But all of us have a brain and mind ruled by SIXTH SENSE. It seeks knowledge. It is thirsty of wisdom. It is hungry of skills, potential and achievements. It is eager to know about the things around. It is anxious to go around, meet new people, experience new things and keen to learn. It is adventurous to fathom the oceans, explore the space and beyond and reach the centre of the earth. It wants to find answers for many unknowns like origin of life, origin of universe and what-not...i.e the HAPPINESS domain...also called as Anandha and such other synonyms!!

All these can happen only when the body is calm and does not disturb the brain. The body does not force the mind to plan strategies and plans to achieve the body needs. The body is calm and allows the mind to use all the intelligence and creativity to indulge and lose itself in the knowledge, wisdom, skill development, experiential learning and adventurous life!!

This is very important, especially for the HIGH INTELLIGENCE people as they have the ingredients to achieve all the above. But, sadly, many of such students live a sedentary life and therefore their body needs are very high and they end up using all their brain time, precious life time, intelligence and creativity in planning strategies and executing them to attain their body needs. They also skip their meals, have food at irregular times, eat all the junk, smoke, booze, live on drugs and end up using the precious gifted potential in wasteful things, fail in life in all domains, feel a void and vacuum, get depressed and come for counselling!!

So, all high IQ students, wake up!!...Kill those body needs, live a health enhancing life pitching it on happiness, rather than pleasures and win in life in all the domains!!

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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