Sunday 9 May 2021

Who is a Mother?....Who is a good child??

 Dear all,

Today is Mothers' Day!!

Everyone is sharing lots of messages, memes, videos, memories, pictures and celebrating the mothers' day in their own way...meeting their mother....sharing memories and spending lighter her general making her happy in whatever way possible...very good...nice...well-done!!

But i have got an additional request and a different perception as a Psychologist!!

Who is a Mother?

Who is a Son or Daughter?

What is the relationship between the two?

What is Love for each other?

In my opinion, Love is Respect, Respect means Responsibility...This is Primary. Rest all those pampering things which a mother shows to children or children show to a mother are Secondary and Tertiary, though they are also important, like the spices which make the food tasty...but Primary is the Food, so we can't miss out that!!

But sadly this is missing out in the traditional grooming of a child by a mother!!

If a mother loves her children, her responsibility is to make them physically, mentally and socially strong, adaptable, independent good human beings with great morals, values, and ethics!!

i.e A life style with health enhancing habits, matured, balanced, cool, calm, sharp mind, focussed on the goals, dreams, passions, attracting everyone through great human qualities and personality traits, ability to live anywhere on earth, with anyone, any culture, any religion, any climate, any food, any clothing, any organisation, any team, on any terrain, ability to withstand all kinds of traumatic life situations, high resilience, good in studies and strong in the subjects, knowledge and skill sets of interest, being employable to create own money and wealth, ability to create a family by being a great companionship-husband showing unconditional love, being that ideal husband with the true definition of Relationship, role model father with clean habits, morals, values and ethics, sharing the domestic chores and responsibilities, respecting and taking care of all the elders in the family and making the children as role models and ideal human beings, like him!!...............(this is for both genders!!)

But traditional parenting produces only mentally weak, emotionally weak, dependent, parasitic, non-adaptable, neurotic, non employable, smokers, drunkards, obese, full of lifestyle diseases, mental disorders, irresponsible, bad and negative role models for children...Wives feel why i got married and children decide not to marry after seeing the married relationship between the father and mother!!

So, mothers should fulfill their responsibility of making a son or daughter as above and children should become a responsible son or daughter as above!!

The worst punishment a son or daughter can give to their mother is to make their mother to see them Dead in front of her....or dying every day in front of her with injections, handful of medicines, life style diseases, smokers, drunkards, impaired body which is struggling to survive and exist, no education, no skills sets, no knowledge commensurate with the qualification, no worldly exposure, immature, pigeon brains, no global awareness, traditional mindset, without job, by being dependent on others for food, clothing, shelter etc.

So, the crux is....if you really love your mother...if you really respect that IDEAL SON or IDEAL DAUGHTER as explained above!!

The great Tamil poet Thiru Valluvar in his Thriukkural says 'A responsible son or daughter is one who makes her mother hear from others that 'Your child is a great human being and a good scholar!!'

Marriage is a great responsibility...Being a HUSBAND, WIFE, FATHER, MOTHER....the ultimate tests of responsibility, on earth!!! So, make yourself eligible, and then marry, and then become a father or mother...otherwise everyone has to become a Psychologist on the earth for the other!!

Ability to Reproduce is not the eligibility to become eligible for marriage!!...That is an animal definition of being an adult!!

A happy and a meaningful Mothers' Day!!

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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