Saturday 11 July 2015

positive e'go' and negative e'go'!!

Hai all...e'go' is of two types...positive ego...negative ego...

when we talk about e'go' some say, ego is the thing which is making me successful, achieved etc and therefore ego is a must!

what they are referring to is the 'positive ego'...feeling that 'i can do!' 'I can solve this problem!'...which is the result of positive self concept and positive mental constructs...this is good...

some people think 'I can only do this!'...'I am the strongest and no one else is!'...this is the result of taking the positive ego from the heart to the head!! The comparison has brought the negative ego which is damaging.
In a social context if we think 'i am the head of the family!' 'I am the boss here in this organisation!' and start demanding, controlling with an aim of deriving happiness out of screwing people then it is negative ego...if the husband thinks 'how i can be useful to them to keep them happy using this social status of husband or head of the can i make them participate in the decision making process or keep them along with me as one unit in all social dynamics of activities of family at i can make a difference to make others at home feel 'what a great dad i have got!' 'what a great friend, soul-mate and husband i have got!', then it is positive ego...i.e using the social statuses and roles for making a positive change in the social system so that we are remembered for ever in a positive sense...

even in an organisational context the boss can be the inclusive man thinking 'how i can groom them in a positive way that they feel happy, attached and think about being in the organisation all the time, with me etc...'...generally the bosses feel that this does not contribute to productivity....they go to the negative ego of seeing all the employees as cows coming every day and he is the milk man...expecting hundred litres of milk out of every one....they equate the others also of their calibre...i remember once the junior telling his boss 'if i were intelligent like you i would be sitting in your chair!'....they lose their 'being' in the mad run for the 'becoming'!...people with positive ego nurture, create a fantastic inviting environment, make people grow in not only in performance and also the potential.

so, the crux is....

1. positive ego is good

2. Negative ego is bad

peacefully yours....rams...Positive psychologist!!

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