Sunday 26 July 2015

What is happening to our minds due to social networks?

Hai all…we have a body…we have a mind…mind is created by brain…mind and body cannot live isolated…one supports the other…one rejuvenates the also affects the other…one is always with the other…

We have two groups of people…

1. Adolescents who experience exploding and tsunamis and tornadoes of relationships and acquaintances and what not at an age of ‘neither here nor there’…i.e neither an adult nor a child…it is a both ‘horrible’ and ‘awesome’ stage of life!!, they manage with lots of hardship. 

2. . Those who are out of adolescence i.e from 20 to 80…here again we have four categories…1. i.e those with lots of hurts of their relationships of adolescence…2. the clean slates who have the cause urges inside and do not know the effects and therefore experiment the relationships on social networks or neighbour hoods and land up like adolescents…3. Those who were clean slates but got their lessons between 20 to 40 and living with 'matured pregnancy' of their memories 4. The level headed virgin ones who are innocent of any of these and whose hearts are only blood pumping machines and nothing more than that (the rare breed!!).

I seem to feel…..

1. these days everyone has more mind related problems than the body

2. Everyone has more issues related to relationships outside the home in addition to the ever existing issues of home and relatives.

3. The relationship issues of adolescents is much more and complicated now compared to earlier times

4. The senior lots are likely to get more body issues caused by mind compared to earlier times

5. The adolescents are also likely to get more diseases on the body caused by stressed life style issues of their mind

6. The day is not far off that we will have many specialty hospitals only for mind related issues with specialists for each age and each type of emotional issue.

So let us keep our minds safe and sound…brain gives safety…heart takes us to unsafe regions in relationships….but both are required now and then…guided by the inner self of soul…so that we are on the centre of the lane in our life expressway.

then the body remains automatically strong, healthy, awesome, handsome, beautiful and ‘awe’!!...good life style in all dimensions is the way out!!

all psychologist

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