Friday 14 August 2015

The relationship of BODY and MIND with respect to REPRODUCTIVE behaviour!!

Hai all…post for the day...about 'mind' and 'body' on 'reproduction' domain...
In this world we have only plants and animals. We are part of animal world. We have evolved from animals. Animals have the body and limited brain activity through their simple brains which carry out the functions of basic instincts…1. Eating 2. Resting 3. Protecting 4. Reproducing.
But we have a body with well developed brain with complex functions. This creates the mind.
So, we have a body and a mind. Volumes can be written about these two. But in this post we will limit only to reproductive needs.
Though body and mind are separate entities both influence each other. Body could be termed as the sensor of mind!!.
Body, which is an animal part of the evolution, is animal like. It continues with its variation needs, driven not by the individual, but by nature, as nature does not want two organisms to be similar in appearance and behaviours. Of course, brain also plays its role in this game. One body attracts the other. The bodies involve in animal activities. The level and extent of involvement of brain is limited and different. That is why many are able to engage with many bodies without emotional attachment. This only gives momentary and short lived pleasure and once the effect goes off it looks for (another) body again. There is no relationship required for the bodies to engage with each other.
As nature does not want weak organisms, only strong off-springs, so the body attracts only the healthy body. This is the reason why all bodies get attracted to young bodies.
Body attraction works on the appearance domain which keeps changing fast and diminishing. So, the attraction goes off after it becomes no more attractive.
What nature has created for continued life on earth has been converted into a way of deriving pleasure by human beings!...but this works at body domain.
So, pleasure works at body domain.
In our culture of match making, body (and wealth or wealth making capability) is what is given importance and therefore the end result is what we see…with less involvement with minds (and hearts)!!
The gynaec system elements are distributed all over the body as they are connected to the brain. If we are aiming at making it dysfunctional by removing of organs or through chemical methods then it will have its effect on other systems, as gynaec system is connected to other systems also. So, it affects our body health. Also, we can remove the organs or make it non functional but brain activity will always be there and even if we try to reduce that through drugs, a reduced level at least, cannot be stopped.
Some may claim zero reproductive need, may be for image forming, but we don’t know. We have a tendency to give socially acceptable answers and therefore psychological researches have this drawback.
In future when bio-computers are made and are integrated with the blood flow then all the required parameters will get measured, including those parameters of personality etc which are not possible as of now.
Mind, which is unique to human beings works with sixth sense with thinking and capable of producing emotions and behaviours as products. It works more towards intelligence needs, creative needs etc. So, it connects people with matching interests, intellectual and creative capabilities (art forms).
When mind makes a relationship it does not pitch on the body. When they reach a state of matching natural frequency, they resonate and bodies might also engage. But it is not purely conscious state of behavior and gives soul filling happiness or aanandaa and becomes divine or tantric. It does not look at appearance of the body. Id, ego and superego concepts get buried at the state of resonance!!
When only bodies engage, it is a conscious activity and the brain thinks only about the body...but when intellectual or creativity causes the bodies to unite under the conditions of resonance or elated but stable conditions of divine or tantric there is no consciousness, there is no thinking, there is no cognition about the body and the behaviour, it happens without the knowledge of the two concerned, they don't know what is happening or what happened or how it happened etc, even the mind is silent, no turbulence, no anxiety, no stress, absolute silence and vacuum and heart is only a blood pumping machine that time...
Mind only mates with mind. Intelligence with intelligence and creativity with creativity or art with art!!...Here body engagement is not the purpose and it is a minuscule element, present or not present and it does not affect the relationship or happiness levels or do not bring in unhappiness or hate etc.
While the body domain does not lead to anything, the mind domain can lead to learning, self actualizing, enlightenment, more happiness levels, self-confidence, a feeling of purpose of life etc.
so, which one you will choose?? you have any choice??...
(after reading the above don't tell me without mind body can not realise and so everything is in the mind!!)
More later…
rams...peaceful psychologist!!

some comments are below...

"people with same energies, irrespective of gender, tend to attract each other very strongly - same resonance principle! We are all energies vibrating at different frequencies and when two people vibrate with the same frequency, then resonance happens leading to elevated states of bonding and happiness. This may sound abstract but makes sense. People do not always stay at the same frequency all thru their lives. As they evolve their frequencies also change. And hence matching people become mis-matched and mis-matched people become matched due to changes in the way people evolve over time. So everything is changing in this changing world"

physics ('properties of matter') says 'a body when subjected to its 'natural' frequency undergoes resonance'!, when we make it analogous or draw a parellel of this concept to human relationships and human bodies then we can say that 'when the 'natural' frequency of one person matches with the 'natural' frequency of another person then resonance occurs in them and the relationship between them...of course, as you said for a matter the natural frequency does not change, but for human beings it changes because they keep changing continuously..."

Our energies don't just depend on our bodies. Our energies depend on our mind and what thoughts we chew and what emotions we go through most of the time etc. More to do with energy chakras in our bodies - and Of course there are several websites like this to explain how we are basically vibrating energy bodies. So when our dominant energies match, we tend to understand each other at deeper levels (maybe).

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