Monday 31 August 2015

Why we fall for praises of the body?

Hai all... Almost all the loves from 'after puberty' to entire life time starts with the appreciation and adoration of external appearance of the boy or girl... Nature, the Grand Master, ensures 'Attraction' by physical body and appearance for healthy off-springs and continuation of life on earth... which is clearly the ''LUST" component of force between two opposite sexes... which clearly indicates the attraction will get lost once the great physical appearance goes off... which clearly indicates that the relationship is only short lived... which clearly indicates that one can not rely upon that individual for life time on heart-to-heart basis... as heart gets connected to the individual through the body and can break off once the body attraction goes off... and body is related to animal, which wants variety, again driven by the Nature, the Grand Master of all plays, for ensuring 'no two individuals are same' on body and mind... which probably is another reason why the body related relationships break off... the issue is how to know if the relationship or attraction formed is due to body or other personality traits? Inspite of all these why girls and boys of all ages from childhood to people near the end of life get attracted to praising or adoring or appreciation of their external appearance? 'Hey, you are soooo beautiful yaar!' 'Hai! you are very hand some!' 'Your hair style is great! 'You have got beautiful skin!' 'Your face is sooo beautiful, it has got divine looks!' "something is happening inside me when i see you!" 'I feel like looking at you entire life time!' other day one girl was saying 'sir, just one month before, when we were not married, when i told him 'look at my ankle, it is swollen and paining!' he immediately showed lots of emotions, concern, interest, touched my feet and ankle, inspected it, spoke many consoling words, gave lots of hugs and kisses, even massaged my leg. I felt sooooo nice!....Now after one month of marriage when i tell him 'look at my ankle, it is swollen and paining' he does not even hear, after i told him three times, he says looking some where 'apply ointment, it will go off!'...he has no concern for me now!...he does not give a patient hearing to my issues...there is no emotion or feelings towards can any one change so much so suddenly?...i am upset and feeling worried if i made the right decision of marrying him?...what will happen to rest of my life?'.... this clearly shows how the body attraction or inquisitiveness to know the opposite body results in love like emotions, feelings and behaviours...and it also shows how all these vanish in no time when the body attraction or inquisitiveness to see, feel, enjoy the body of the opposite sex goes off when it is bored and looks for variety... All of us can go on typing such things endlessly...every one longs for such praises of their 'body'...Why? increases the self confidence and self-concept...understood...but why should it lead to a 'relationship'?...So, it is understandable if we 'like' the praises...but why we start 'liking' the person?? (like is related to the body and love is related to internal feeling)...why we start liking the priser's body too?...why we slowly start 'loving' that person too? these are the things which the college girls and boys need to ponder, question themselves, figure out what is the reason for their attraction, what is the feeling they have inside them about the other person, why they feel so, what happens to their body and feelings when they hear the same from other people too...etc etc... of course, there are enough examples where the 'like' formed out of physical appearance has transformed into love also and the relationship remained/remains for life time, not just for society sake, but at heart level too, even if the body attraction has gone off... so, it is another unresolved or unknown great mystery (and misery too!) like other mysteries that which relationship will continue to remain, the bond will continue to one knows...i don't know how exactly the horoscope can human beings continuously age, grow, change, evolve, mature which results in changed interests, likes, dislikes, wants, needs, expectations etc... from this we might get some clarity on the confusing issues about 'body', 'like', 'love', 'relationships', 'body behaviours', 'mind behaviours' etc... anyway....each word here is an ocean by itself on which we can go on typing, i stop here, till i get provoked again by some student... peacefully psychologist...

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