Sunday 2 August 2015

what is the difference between 'like' and 'love'?...part II

Hai all...

'LIKE' and 'LOVE' are two near equal words and important words in the life of all of us...when we read " 'LIKE is to do with the body and "LOVE' is not, it is unconditional' etc the questions that arise in the mind are many...most of them are related to the ones between lovers, husband-wife, parents and kids and specially that of a mother to the children...

the spiritual people of past like vishwamitra or vashist all say that saint hood or thuravaram is reached through a good illaram or reproductive family, what they say is be loving, i.e be unconditional and be with positive thinking, emotions, and behaviours in illaram (family life and social life) also...i.e LIKING and LOVING to all those inside the family...and loving to all outside the family i.e in the community, society and every one in the whole world...

the purpose of life is definitely to love everyone unconditionally...but this cannot be forced we cannot force ourselves to love everyone unconditionally...but this is a natural process and happens on its own as we progress on our spiritual path...i.e understanding of life...

many think it is for old, retired people whose gynaec system has gone defunct and have nothing to do...but it is the most important thing that is required for all those who are in the competitive environment...i.e for all school children from age 5, college students, those who work in organisations etc...understanding Karma and Spirituality is THE MOST important thing for high SQ and EQ, winning in life without high BP or high cholesterol or diabetes or heart attacks or screwing up the family life and our relationship with all significant people in our lives...

devotion is an intense form of is definitely something that leads us to liberation and not has to have the strong element of thinking rationally, realistically...devotion should be the outcome of stable should be free from obsession...i.e 'blind following'...this devotion generally is towards god, guru or someone...but it can be in my opinion towards anything and any one who teaches us the values of life and living... they say it is bhakthi yoga that leads to enlightenment...devotion is not falling at someone's feet and being a slave is being in total love 100% with that object of devotion...object of learning...and this may lead to liberation...when you are so in love, you cannot be bad to others...

everything starts with 'like' and then may or may not convert to 'love'...for most people it is hard to go to 'love' directly.

when the children are small, mothers are fully devoted to this kind of attachment love is also needed for survival of species...maybe that is where devotion comes in. if mom was unconditionally loving everyone, then she cannot devote all her resources to the baby.

so we love unconditionally, but we allocate our resources wisely.

so both unconditional love as well devoted love are spoken about in spirituality. they should not be contradictory. but we will know this only when we truly experience both.

haa..haa...haa...the aim now enjoy the sunday...without bothering much about all these...these form the OS or Operating System of life...and now let us install it and forget about it...and think about only enjoying the life now...bye...have a great sunday!!

spiritually yours...rams...healthy health psychologist!!

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