Monday 17 October 2016

How we can avoid and win a dreadful disease with our own changes in life style, thinking, belief systems etc.....

Dear all...

These days many get cancer as cancer has become a Life Style Disease. I.e our life style of stress brings down our immunity and cancer cells which are always present start dominating. This can be cured by our will power, medicines, changes in life style (of course, can be avoided by following a disease resistant life style), changing our belief systems, mental structures, thinking, positive psychological methods, food, our relationships with others etc etc.

Below is the post of my friend, whose mother came out of cancer recently.

My comment is here....." whavvvvvvvvv....that is fantastic brother!!...It is so nice of you that you brought out this fact that 'cancer can be won'. It is a myth and wrong belief that once you get cancer, you can not survive and fast death is imminent. It would be nice and useful to all if you bring out what all thinking, emotions and behaviours she followed to come out of the illness. Well done . Keep it up. I am sure she would not have come out without the help and support of people around like you. So, good job done my bro!!".......Rams...Peacefully yours....Health Psychologist!!

what my friend has written is here...

"My mother, who has been also a teacher for many of my friends was declared free of Cancer recently....She struggled with a malignant tumor in stomach for many years, underwent many many chemo therapies.... but She fought....and Fought well... and has won ......!! I hope this provides encouragement to others living with similar situation.....Just do not give up...!!"

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