Monday 10 October 2016

Why not we 'give' pleasure to the sources of our 'happiness' so that both are achieved?

Dear answer...
Qn. 'You say PLEASURE and HAPPINESS are the two things which decide the feel good factor in our life. Pleasure gives all negatives but vital for our life. Happiness gives all positives which is also vital for our life. When we 'take' from others we get pleasure and when we 'give' to others we get happiness. Why not we 'give' pleasure to the sources of our 'happiness' so that both are achieved?
Ans: Good question.
1. Happiness is achieved through 'self less' service without expecting anything in return. Moment we expect or look for something in return then it becomes a (emotional) business and happiness is lost.
2. Whether it is pleasure or happiness, when it exceeds the limits of what our body and brain can take, it becomes stressful and affects our peace and health.
Also, to get both, our body and mind, both these muster all the resources inside them and outside, and put it out as energy. When we look for more pleasure and happiness beyond the resources held, then again both body and mind get stressed and this affects our peace and health.
Anything that makes our body and mind unstable, for prolonged time and repeatedly, is not good for our peace and health. The mind or body can go beyond the state of consciousness for a brief time but should come back to conscious state. Also any switching of states of body (losing weight and gaining weight rapidly and repeatedly) and mind, rapidly and repeatedly,stresses and affects our health and peace. So, this also should be avoided.
Pleasure is gives craving with anxiety and possessiveness, leads to obsession and addiction. Control is wrong and stressful. Therefore, to create a self-regulating mind and body, yoga, medication, correct perception of life and living, high EQ and SQ are essential.
When we look forward for happiness in our life, it gives longing and can cause stress. But if we live in happiness then there is no longing. So, let us live in happiness.
Pleasure is unavoidable part of life as it forms the vital element of health and fulfillment in life but increasing the period in which we live in happiness in a day and every day helps us to regulate the need for pleasure and live peacefully and healthily.
Peacefully psychologist.

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